Quality and risk management G4-14 | 41 | 56 | 57 | 58 | SO3
We operate in a heavily regulated environment and our primary contribution, in many cases, is to assist our clients in statutory reporting to regulators. That is why credibility is key to the survival of our brand and of the very market served by our Organisation.
On a daily basis we come in contact with information that is crucial to our clients' business, and we recognise that our investments in training and technology, though essential for our quality of delivery, are not sustainable without our professionals' commitment to ethics based on our values and culture of integrity.
For this reason, one of the pillars of our business strategy is 'professionalism and integrity', by which we seek to ensure that our professionals are committed to and follow the policies and principles established by KPMG International and applied to all member firms. Our stakeholders recognise these two principles as being material to our business.
Our Risk Management function is responsible for controlling and monitoring factors that could affect our business, our professionals and clients, or the capital market and the environment in which we operate. Risk Management is directly related to sustainability and the very nature of our business, as it entails analysis of information to anticipate any conflicts of interest or issues in complying with the rules, standards and policies established locally and globally by KPMG.
Alongside the Service Quality Control System, this function uses a precautionary approach focused on our core business to shape our policies, people development, client acceptance guidelines, engagement delivery and oversight in the entire network of entities that operate under the brand KPMG in Brazil, as further described below. G4-SO3
Quality and risk management at KPMG in Brazil
To ensure compliance with the principles of professionalism and quality, our Quality and Risk Management System is structured into five groups: