Natural Capital

voluntary commitment


Environmental indicators

Local environmental goals

At KPMG, we have complied with all environmental regulations and laws. (G4-EN29) We have adopted local targets in order to encourage the adoption of more sustainable habits at KPMG and in our professionals' personal lives. Only one of the five commitments undertaken was not achieved: the use of plastic cups, as shown in the table below.


Local environmental goals


Control of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(G4-EN15 | 16 | 17 | 19 | 30)

For companies providing services in our segment, their carbon footprint has the greatest indirect impact due to the constant travel and mobility of their professionals on business. We therefore undertook a global environmental commitment to reduce these emissions by 25% between 2007 and 2010. The target was exceeded, with a reduction achieved of 29%. The new target is to reduce net carbon emissions per capita in relation to the total emissions in 2010 by 15% through 2015.

In Brazil we have been compiling a Carbon Inventory since 2007 and monitor emissions annually. Our greatest impact is described in scope 3 (indirect emissions), over which we have limited or no management capacity. Thus, KPMG in Brazil made a commitment to neutralize our Greenhouse Gas Emissions from 2014 on.




Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions Inventory


KPMG in Brazil becomes carbon neutral

The Carbon Price Communiqué


Electricity consumption (G4-EN3 | EN4)

The electric power we use is purchased from the local utility only. Renewable energy is dominant in Brazil's energy mix, accounting for 79.3% of the country's power supply, although this percentage declined slightly compared with the previous period due to unfavourable hydrological conditions and the resulting increase in thermal power generation.

In addition to initiatives to encourage habits that avoid waste, we have adapted our premises to avoid unnecessary consumption (such as installing motion sensors) and we consider power consumption when acquiring new electronic equipment.

The calculations of direct and indirect energy per capita and water consumption are for the total number of KPMG professionals as indicated by the G4-10 indicator.


Energy Sources in Brazil in 2014


Energy Consumption


Water consumption (G4-EN8 | EN10 | EN22)

Since 2009, our infrastructure department has worked to improve our performance in this indicator by installing flow reducers in taps. At our offices in São Paulo, we have established a routine for plant watering and staircase washing.

The water used at our 26 offices is supplied by local public utilities and our wastewater is collected by public sewage collection systems in accordance with the environmental regulations applicable to our segment.

KPMG in Brazil does not reuse or recycle water, but have a plan to meet the water crisis in 2015 which includes to implement in the Vila Mariana office in São Paulo a system for rain water harvesting and a cistern for water reuse, as well as the conduction of a feasibility study for drilling an artesian pool. We believe our move from three separate offices to a LEED Gold-certified office space in São Paulo in 2015 will complement the improvements in the performance of this indicator.


Water consumption and disposal (m³)
(G4-EN8 | EN10 | EN22)