Intellectual Capital

core to our business


Quality of service / Learning and professional development

Developing and building skills not only advances the careers of our professionals but is also crucial to maintaining the quality of our services, ensuring our growth and creating value for our clients.

Reflecting the breadth of our portfolio and regulatory requirements, programmes in this area are structured to develop general and specific skills according to the different functions, capabilities and areas of expertise of our professionals. Our programmes encourage continuing education through undergraduate, graduate, specialist, language and behavioural training and a range of technical and exchange courses.

In 2014, we revisited our training process within the 70-20-10 approach, in which 70% of learning is on the job, 20% online and only 10% in classroom-based training. Based on this review, we have begun implementing collaborative learning strategies designed to improve our professionals' understanding and application of the vast-ranging knowledge we produce and disseminate. Support from online and classroom-based courses remains relevant, as seen below.

People are our greatest asset, and professional excellence our greatest heritage

Total investment in training and development


Educational levels of KPMG professionals


Hours invested in training and development