Communicating, producing and sharing expertise
On a daily basis, our professionals are provided with a wide array of information that is crucial for their tasks, whether within their own practice or in the industry of the client they are servicing. This requires continual investment in a number of forms of transmitting relevant information so our teams can maintain excellence in service and ensure high-quality delivery.
Part of the repertoire we build is placed at the disposal of our stakeholders in order to enhance the debate around the complex issues we address. Continual collaboration with the media, research, studies, debates and sponsorship of events provide clarity and guidance about complex issues and are some of the strategies for disseminating this expertise.
The knowledge we acquire in our quest to understand the world of business is the raw material for our work, which is converted into outputs that we share with our stakeholders
Audit Committee Institute (ACI) - A forum for disseminating best practice in corporate governance as well as political, economic, corporate, legal and tax trends affecting our business. Maintained by member firms of KPMG International, the Institute is open to the members of the Boards of Directors and Audit Committees of companies in more than 30 countries. In 2014 KPMG in Brazil held six meetings attended by 259 people.
Available for iOS and Android
Content produced by our specialists can be accessed at or through our smart phone application, which provides research alerts, information about events, videos, office locations, social media and other KPMG news.
Risk University
Designed to provide audit, risk, controls and compliance executives with an innovative platform for sharing experience and learning about best practice, corporate governance, and risk and compliance tools, and for enhanced networking among participating companies.
Media - In 2014 we were directly or indirectly cited in 2,706 news articles, most of which reported on studies and research carried out by us or in consultation with our professionals as a source of reference for market assessments.
Accounting Workshop for Journalists
In 2014 our Fortaleza office organised an important initiative designed to provide a better understanding of our business to broader society: a workshop for members of the leading Business, Industry and Finance media organisations in the State of Ceará.
The event aims to translate accounting into clear, concise and current language, providing journalists with an understanding of issues they report on a regular basis, such as the role of the auditor, regulations and the use of financial reporting in a business context.
Further editions are planned for 2015 in other cities in the region. These will address subjects suggested by the attending journalists, such as mergers and acquisitions and understanding the statement of financial position.
Research - Our research covers a variety of topics concerning our activities and is used to update our professionals worldwide and the overall market. Some of the publications produced by KPMG in Brazil and KPMG International in 2014 Include:
Events - We also foster the dissemination of knowledge through events, seminars and lectures we sponsor. During 2014, we invested R$ 2,26 million in 149 events.
Key events in 2014
- Shared Services & Outsourcing Week Brasil 2014
- IBEF-CE: Brazil's Anti-corruption Act: main aspects and risks
- IBEF-RJ: Brazil's Economic Outlook for 2014
- IBEF-Campinas: Important tax changes introduced by MP-627/13
- IBEF-Campinas: How to enhance credit recovery for your business
- Global Agribusiness Forum 2014
- Amcham-Goiânia: CFO Forum
- IBEF-Campinas: Big Data - A critical ingredient for the future of businesses
- Amcham-Porto Alegre: Construbusiness Committee
- 9th IBEF Oil & Gas Forum
- 5th Regional Meeting of Accounting Science Students - Belém/PA
- Amcham-GO: eSocial: a new era in employee, employer and government relations
- ANFAC - Brazilian Factoring Conference
- COOPERCON and SINDUSCON/CE: Initial Round of ‘Brazil in Debate’ Conferences
- Expogestão 2014
- ANEFAC and KPMG Roadshow: DIPJ/2014 and MP-627 hot points - Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Salvador, Campinas, Belo Horizonte
- PPP Summit 2014
- Launch of Integrated Reporting framework in Portuguese
- Sindicont-SP: 5th Meeting of Accounting Professionals and Academics
- LIDE-SP: World Environment Day Forum
- Seminar on PPP Projects – an avenue for infrastructure investment in Santa Catarina
- 2nd International Procurement Conference
- 14th USP Comptrollership and Accounting Conference and 11th Undergraduate Accounting Conference
- IBEF-CE: Options for family and business estate succession planning
- Brazilian Retail Week
- Retail Forum: good governance practice based on sustainability and lasting retail chains
- IBEF-CE: Municipal Mobility Policy
- COOPERCON and SINDUSCON/CE: ‘Brazil in Debate’ Conference Round
- IBEF Campinas: IBEF-Mulher
- IT Forum +
- Leaders on the Ground 2014
- Amcham Brazil: Growth, investment and governance in uncertainty
- IBEF-MG: 25th National Conference of Finance Executives
- Health Business Forum
- 4th Accountancy and Auditing Meeting for Listed Companies and Corporations
- 17th ANEFAC Awards - Transparency Trophy 2014
- FEBRABAN: 4th International Risk Management Conference
- Amcham-RJ: compliance and organisational management
- Amcham-Curitiba: Corporate Governance Cycle 2014
- Women Empowerment Alliance: equity generates business - the importance of women to business transformation
- Futurecom 2014
- 35th Brazilian Internal Audit Conference 2014
- Amcham Brazil: 6th Capital Market Trade Mission
- LIDE SP: 5th Entrepreneurs' Forum
- 11th International CPC Forum - International Financial Reporting Standards
- Retail Cycle: mergers and acquisitions: a good avenue for retail expansion in Brazil?
- 28th Enconsel
- IBEF-MG: Awards 2014 - Executive of the Year ‘Walking the Tightrope’ | Corporate Finance Excellence Awards Minas Gerais
- 6th Private Equity Brazil Forum 2014
- WCD Brazil 2014
- IBEF-RJ: ‘Walking the Tightrope’ Awards 2014
3rd Energy and Natural Resources Conference
Held in Rio de Janeiro, the conference was attended by 427 delegates (347 industry executives and 80 global and local leaders from KPMG) to discuss Prospects and Trends in the Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) Industry and the impacts of the Brazilian presidential elections.
Nationally and internationally renowned specialists set the tone of the debate around the challenges facing the industry, such as the economic and financial rebalancing of the electric power sector, the pre-salt concession model, the new regulatory framework for mining and bottlenecks in infrastructure.
A majority presence of C-Level executives (51% of the delegates) from 194 companies in the industry supported the development of sound proposals and helped further establish KPMG as an important facilitator and opinion leader in the industry.