Social and Relationship Capital




Our Development actions are based on the principles of the Global Development Initiative (GDI) of KPMG International, which focuses on promoting social justice and supporting sustainable projects. The aim is to help improve the conditions of our communities through the following initiatives.

Pro bono services or compensation

Among our most important initiatives for the community is the provision of pro bono audit and consultancy services to volunteer sector organisations, incorporating professionalism into management, and credibility and transparency into their financial statements.

This work is subject to KPMG's standard procedures for acceptance of clients and the same methodology, quality and independence offered to paying clients. Fees for the services provided are paid by the Corporate Citizenship team to the KPMG department in Brazil that provided the services. The organisation benefited agrees to undertake an initiative previously agreed as compensation for the services provided. G4-EC7

Voluntary sector organisations benefited by pro bono
/ compensation services in 2014


Private social investment

KPMG sponsors the +Unidos (Britcham) initiative, which sponsors education projects teaching English in partnership with the Ministries of Education (Language Laboratories) and Science, Technology and Innovation (Online English platform). We provided R$ 25 thousand in support in 2014.

Tax incentive laws (G4-EC4)

KPMG is abreast of the opportunities offered by the Government to encourage the allocation of resources to cultural projects and institutions that offer services to the community. Every year we select projects that are aligned with our Corporate Citizenship and Marketing strategies.


Social, sporting and cultural investment under tax incentive laws (R$)


Organisations benefited by investment under incentive
laws in 2014:


Voluntary work

In addition to working in the Junior Achievement programmes, our professionals can also participate in two other annual activities. KPMG Community Day is an initiative that involves professionals from all KPMG offices in Brazil in citizenship activities to meet specific needs identified in their communities, including donating blood, helping the elderly, adolescents and children, education, revitalising common areas in public and private institutions and environmental awareness, amongst others.

Our professionals also use specific occasions like Easter, Winter, children's month or Christmas to collect and distribute donations. Events involving natural disasters and other emergencies are evaluated and can receive our assistance.

Until 2012 we ran the Trainee Challenge, an initiative similar to the KPMG Community Day, as a part of the Training Programme for these young professionals. Due to the change in the training agenda for the employees, in 2013 we discontinued the initiative.


Results of KPMG Community Day


Main volunteer initiatives in 2014


Campinas Office awarded
I Prêmio Cidadania