Corporate Citizenship G4-15 | EC4 l EC7
Our role in society is defined by the services we provide and, especially, by the way we engage with our stakeholders. It is against this backdrop that matters such as ethics, integrity and transparency come into play, all of which are vital to our business and where our Corporate Citizenship & Diversity team – which is responsible for influencing the strategy of KPMGI member firms in terms of Sustainable Development – operates.
These actions are in line with a set of international initiatives promoted by the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, to which KPMG International has voluntarily subscribed and which also extend to the member firms of KPMG around the world.
United Nations (UN)
Global Compact - Since 2002 we have striven to perform the commitments established by the compact. Every year KPMG International publishes the report Communication on Progress (COP)
about the respective efforts of member firms.
Leadership Development Programme - Since 2011, we have been a member of the platform for corporate sustainability leadership, focused on helping companies integrate the ten principles of the Global Compact.
Guiding Principles On Business and Human Rights - We have integrated the Human Rights principles of the Global Compact into our Code of Conduct and the procedures and policies for accepting clients and procuring suppliers.
Millennium Development Goals - The member firms of KPMG around the world have focused efforts around the three first goals and have now subscribed to the 12 Sustainable Development Goals, which will replace the Millennium Development Goals from 2015.
World Economic Forum
KPMG International also engages actively in a number of initiatives of the World Economic Forum, which unites leading business and political leaders, intellectuals and journalists in the pursuit of solutions to the more urgent issues faced worldwide. These initiatives help underpin our policies and practices and consolidate new parameters for companies' operations.
Partnership against Corruption - We have been signatories since 2007. We have adopted and implemented a zero-tolerance policy on bribery and corruption and provided evidence to the Audit Management Committees, regulatory bodies, governments and our clients of the measures we adopt to guarantee that we meet our professional obligations and responsibilities in terms of anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
Principles of Responsible Capitalism - We signed this commitment in 2010, which is aligned with our practices and the values we wish to reinforce and disseminate.
Future Role of Civil Society - We use this to develop comprehensive dialogue with non-governmental and faith organisations, unions and business leaders, international and government organisations in order to promote joint efforts to improve the state of the world.
Emerging Best Practices of Brazilian Globalizers
In January 2014, a partnership between KPMG in Brazil and the World Economic Forum resulted in our presentation in Davos of a study entitled Emerging Best Practicesimplemented by Brazilian companies in the process of international expansion.
The external commitments undertaken by KPMG International directly affect the global strategy for Corporate Citizenship, which is under the responsibility of the International Corporate Citizenship and Diversity Board. This board is responsible for defining, organising and disseminating guidelines and monitoring the performance of sustainability practices at member firms, which set out their action plans and targets in accordance with local circumstances.
Two KPMG International programmes align our Corporate Citizenship and Diversity initiatives with international commitments: the Global Development Initiative (GDI), which deals with issues related to development and social justice; and the Global Green Initiative (GGI), which addresses issues related to the environment and climate change.
In Brazil, our Corporate Citizenship strategy has three pillars articulating our initiatives and often creating positive cross effects in locations where we operate: Education, Development and Environment. Information about environmental practices can be seen further on in the section Natural Capital.
Pillars of KPMG in Brazil’s Corporate Citizenship strategy
Help schools and universities enhance their capacity to foster skills building and the potential of youth and children, in addition to helping weave corporate and community cohesion.
Invest in social justice and contribute to the construction of sustainable ventures in the communities we operate in.
To improve our environmental performance and work handin- hand with leadership groups and our business practices in aid of sustainability and raising the awareness of our professionals, clients and communities.
Help schools and universities enhance their capacity to foster skills building and the potential of youth and children, in addition to helping weave corporate and community cohesion.
Invest in social justice and contribute to the construction of sustainable ventures in the communities we operate in.