Social and Relationship Capital




KPMG in Brazil works with schools, universities and non-profit organisations to develop the skills and potential of young people and children in education. This support is provided through private social investment in ongoing programmes and specific initiatives.

Organisations benefitted in 2014


In 2014 KPMG invested R$ 53 thousand in training childminders and community educators in the PUPA methodology for child development, which is based on neuroscience and focuses on children up to six years of age. In addition to the community, KPMG's professionals also had access to the training, with a total of 80 benefiting.

‘Little Citizen’ Project

We have been investing in the Project for 18 years, which provides supplementary educational activities, medical and nutritional supervision, daily meals and sports and art activities to 220 teenagers from impoverished neighbourhoods in São Carlos/SP. The aim is to bolster their self-esteem, strengthen family ties and develop the intellect of the students, to provide them with a brighter future. Our contribution includes an investment of R$ 745 thousand/year, advice for pedagogical and coordination teams, pro bono auditing of the project's accounts and financing of the Bessan Award, which offers secondary education grants to top-performing students in the Project. In 2014, three students received grants and the investment was approximately R$ 44 thousand. The Project also encourages strategic partnerships with the Núcleo Aprendiz, to offer free places for teenagers in professional courses at SESI and SENAC and Em Cena Produções, which provides classes on video, image and sound editing within Projeto Júpiter - Editando o Futuro.


KPMG International is an official sponsor of the World Championship, which mobilises universities to develop programmes for the benefit of their communities, with a focus on sustainability and social empowerment. In addition to an annual contribution of R$ 60 thousand, KPMG professionals in Brazil participate on the board, audit the results of the National Competition and advise the participating teams. In 2014 we also invested R$ 26 thousand in the KPMG Ethics and Integrity Award, which was disputed by the teams classified for the final of the Championship, in addition to R$ 13 thousand in flights for the winning team to represent Brazil in the world championship in China.

Junior Achievement

Since 2002, we have supported the work carried out by JA with youth from public schools to stimulate their personal development and to provide a clear view of the business world, facilitating their insertion into the jobs market. Five years ago we became one of the national sponsors of the organization, and started to encourage our professionals to be volunteers in managing the programmes. In addition to R$ 200 thousand in support, 138 volunteers from 18 KPMG offices in Brazil donated 1,484 hours to the project in 2014, benefiting 1,372 students. This is helping us achieve our target of including all of the Organisation's offices in the programme's activities.

Biodiversity in your rucksack/Cerrado – WWF Brazil

The programme was created in 2011 to provide environmental education on the Cerrado biome to public school students in Pirenópolis, Goiás and to support the formulation of public policies to this end. By 2014, 4,000 students had benefited from the programme, which is sponsored by KPMG in Brazil and run by WWF Brazil, with the support of Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado (Ipec). Our organisation did not make financial investment in the project in 2014.