Material topics G4-18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 26 | 27

Desde que começamos a publicar nosso Relatório de sustentabilidade, temos evoluído a cada ano no processo de definição dos Temas materiais para a atuação da KPMG no Brasil.


Mapping – Good Business identifies nine themes related to the roles and responsibilities of our services, involving the business world and society.

Themes identified
Interviews with 37 priority stakeholder representatives
Relevant Issues = our materiality

2012 - 2013


Internal engagement - KPMG professionals – staff and partners - assessed the report and reviewed and maintained the prioritised themes.


Review – The process to review material themes was based on available engagement tools and procedures performed specifically to this report*:

  • Industry benchmarking*
  • Analysis of GRI materiality guidelines in our segment*
  • Application of the IIRC's Six Capitals framework to our business*
  • Analysis of existing engagement mechanisms: Client satisfaction surveys, internal climate surveys, internal client satisfaction surveys, Whistleblowing hotline, Audit Committee Institute
  • Analysis of strategic business objectives 2014-2025
  • Interviews with industry leaders*
  • Inputs from KPMG International's process of reaffirming our purpose, involving: interviews with 60 stakeholders; brand research; training materials; satisfaction surveys; and engagement with global groups from the various practices at KPMG
  • Validation of the revised material themes and report contents by members of the Executive Committee*

New Materiality Matrix – The review is reflected in this new Materiality Matrix, which brought greater clarity and tangibility to the four original high-level themes prioritized by stakeholders in 2011:


Materiality Matrix



Next steps
We will progress further in the following cycle of the engagement process through the following steps:


  • Systematic surveys through available engagement channels
  • The KDNA/Purpose project, which in 2015 will engage leaders, KPMG professionals and clients around the discussion of why we are here and our stakeholders' perception of the value of our services
  • The results of the Citizenship and Diversity Survey launched in December 2014
  • Citizenship and Diversity Roadshows touring our offices in Brazil
  • Expanding the scope of the Inclusion group to address Sustainability
  • An online survey geared to key stakeholders

We are in the initial process of determining the extent of our positive and negative business impacts. This initial analysis shows that the impacts from the identified material aspects directly affect, and are managed by, our Organisation. Potential impacts on our stakeholders are listed in the following chapter, in the ‘KPMG's Capitals’ chart. We aim to deepen the identification of the limits of impacts related to material aspects within two years. G4 20 | 21