KPMG International 
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KPMG International (KPMGI) is a global network of independent firms operating in 155 countries worldwide. As leaders in our segments, we are recognised for the quality of our services and the integrity of our professionals.
The KPMG network has more than 162 thousand professionals with multidisciplinary skills delivering Audit, Tax and Advisory services to private businesses and government agencies, helping them adapt to change, detect risk and capitalise on opportunities.
Organised in Switzerland under Swiss law, and headquartered in Amsterdam, KPMG International Cooperative (KPMG International) establishes and facilitates the implementation and maintenance of uniform policies and standards and protects and enhances the use of the KPMG name and brand, ensuring the sustainable growth of the Organisation as a whole. KPMG International does not provide client services and its activities are financed by member firms.
Member firms are independent legal entities and are responsible for their own management and service quality. They are entitled to use the name, brand and methods of KPMG, providing they commit to its policies and regulations, including the standards of quality that govern their mode of operation and the provision of services to clients.
Global Revenue
In billions of dollars

Revenue of member firms of KPMG International in 2014
By region

Asia Pacific
By practice
