Our purpose G4-1
Two years back, KPMG International initiated a process of reaffirming our purpose across the global network of member firms.
“The vocation lies where the talents meet the world’s needs and are placed to serve them” This quote by Aristotle was our source of inspiration as we laid the foundation for the process that led us to reaffirm who we are and why we are here.
The first step was to return to our roots. We looked back at the history of our founders – Klynveld, Peat, Marwick and Goerdeler – and the values they established in founding KPMG. We explored in depth the views of our global team, we listened to our stakeholders and we considered the way we describe our Organisation.
We concluded that what best translates what we do is, 'Inspire Confidence. Empower Change'. For 145 years, from the formation of KPMG to today, this purpose has always been with us, underlying our work, our decisions and our conduct. Through it, we continue to inspire confidence and steer our business in the right direction, using our expertise, our passion for what we do and our thought leadership to grow and help clients, governments and civil society address the challenges of a constantly changing world, generating a positive impact and contributing to sustainable changes in business models.
We take pride in being an Organisation with a purpose. Reaffirming the reason we are here energises us around consistent delivery that demonstrates our differentiators, enhances the value we deliver to our stakeholders and strengthens society's confidence in KPMG and the broader market.
Our purpose G4-56
Living by this purpose we truly become ‘The Clear Choice’, admired and respected not only for what we do, but also for the way we do it:
Where we want to be
- To be the CLEAR CHOICE by
- Attracting and keeping the best people
- Winning the best mandates
- Doing the best work for the best clients
- Being the most trusted firm
How we’re going to get there
- Become an ISSUES-LED business
- Build the CULTURE AND MOTIVATION to support our vision
What we believe and how we behave
- We lead by example
- We respect the individual
- We work together
- We are open and honest in our communication
- We seek the facts and provide insight
- We are committed to our communities
- Above all, we act with integrity
Why we’re here
Inspire confidence.
Empower change.
"The clear choice"
Our people are extraordinary
- We are caring and courageous and share a lasting pride in our firm
- We are smart, curious and relish a challenge
- We thrive on developing the leaders of tomorrow
Our clients see a difference in us
- We deliver quality that is unparalleled
- We build enduring relationships
- We bring leading insight and innovative solutions
The public trusts us
- We are valued by investors and respected in our profession
- We invest in the communities where we live and work
- We have the courage of our convictions
We are each committed to leaving the Organisation and the world better than we found them
A legacy of entrepreneurship, integrity, honesty, independence and innovative thinking. From our founders to today, we have been acting on the purpose of leading change in society, inspiring and sharing knowledge.

“I see new ideas aligned to a strong sense of purpose in every corner of our business. When I meet our people, I am amazed at their commitment, not just to their clients, but also to their colleagues and their communities. I believe it is our culture that truly differentiates us from our competitors. Every day our people do extraordinary things, they go above and beyond to ensure the work they do at KPMG inspires confidence and empowers change.”
John Veihmeyer - Global Chairman of KPMG International.