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GRI 3.13
Assurance Statement
BSD Consulting performed an independent assurance process for KPMG
Brazil Sustainability Report 2012, which was developed according to
the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 guidelines. The second year
of assurance process continues to provide KPMG's stakeholders with
an independent opinion about: the quality of the report, stakeholder's
engagement process, the adherence to the three principles of AA1000
Assurance Standard (2008) and the management processes for
sustainability aspects.
We work independently and ensure that none of the BSD staff members
maintains business ties with KPMG. BSD Consulting is licensed by
AccountAbility as an assurance provider (AA1000 Licensed Assurance
Provider), registered under No. 000-33.
Our Qualification
BSD is a consulting firm specialized in sustainability. The verification process
was conducted by a qualified team of professionals with long-standing
experience in external assurance.
Responsibilities: KPMG Brazil and BSD Consulting
KPMG has prepared the Sustainability Report and is responsible for all its
content. Our work did not include the verification of historical financial data.
This assurance statement includes the confirmation of the self-declared GRI-G3
Application Level.
Scope and limits
The scope of our works covers all information included in KPMG 2012
Sustainability Report, full version, referring to the period from October 1,
2011 through September 30, 2012 (presented as 2012), and the total Emissions (CO2e tons/year) and DVA (value added statement) data covers the period from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012.
The assurance process was conducted according to the AA1000AS (2008)
(AA1000 Assurance Standard 2008), type 1, moderate level of assurance.
The Assurance Statement aims to inform stakeholders about BSD´s conclusions
about the assessment that covers the adherence to three principles of
AA1000AS: completeness, materiality and responsiveness. The verification of
financial data was not object of BSD Consulting scope.
The approach and procedures developed during AA1000AS verification
process include:
- Sustainability Report 2012 content review;
- Understanding the process of generating information for the
Sustainability Report;
- Research of public information about the company and industry (media,
websites and legal bases);
- Interviews with managers from key areas regarding the relevance of
information for reporting and sustainability management;
- Interviews with the company's partners;
- When relevant, confronting the sustainability performance information
with the company's management;
- Assessment of evidences for the selected indicators and external
stakeholders consultations;
- Assessment of the evidences of external stakeholders consultations;
- Based on sample testing, confirmation of the Sustainability Report
information with supporting documentation, management reports,
internal controls and official correspondences.
Main Conclusions on Adherence to AA1000AS 2008
1. Inclusion – addresses the stakeholders' participation in the process of developing and implementing a transparent and strategic sustainability
management process.
- KPMG have used 2011 results of the stakeholders' engagement
process. No goals were defined for the next engagement process
cycle. It is recommended to review the stakeholders' map and widen
the coverage of the engagement process, considering the inclusion of
stakeholders that represent overall KPMG activities throughout Brazil.
- Corporative Citizenship area has maintained its activities within the
company´s staff. The team responsible for information collection
process was invited to assess the 2011 report, as well as to identify
opportunities to improve the actual processes and also to incorporate
new performance indicators.
- An internal campaign was made to help disseminate the sustainability
e-learning program and encourage employees to attend to it. This
theme is also presented to trainees in their integration process. The
Executive Committee maintained its evolvement in the sustainability
report elaboration and review process. It is important to expand
internal knowledge of sustainability at all hierarchical levels, including
both technical and administrative staffs, in order to broaden integration
of the sustainability actions into daily activities.
2. Materiality (or Relevance) – subjects required for the stakeholders to
make decisions on the organization's economic, social and environmental
- It is worth mentioning that the materiality process should be
periodically reviewed, that is the reason why it is important to assess
sustainability issues for the next cycle, to update results and identify
material issues within the current company context, including other
KPMG offices in the country and new stakeholders. Material issues
review can also consider different external information, such as
researches, sectorial analyses among others.
- Material issues for 2012 report are the same as last year's, and are
aligned with KPMG´s strategy. Issues as "To conduct the businesses on
ethical basis", "Accountable and transparent governance systems" and
"To conduct top quality services with total independence" have specific
and consolidated processes to ensure compliance with the rules,
including policies, codes and specific trainings, aligned with KPMG
International guidelines and Brazilian regulating agencies. SO3 GRI
indicator "Trainings on Ethics and Independence and Anti-corruption"
was verified and internal controls are considered standardized,
periodically monitored and reported to senior management
- Fair treatment of employees: the company focuses on development
and training of personnel, which are strong aspects in company's
human resources management, have been maintained in this cycle.
LA10 GRI indicator (hours of training) was verified in the assurance
process and it was concluded that internal controls are considered
standardized. The company has governance mechanisms for the staff,
such as the Employees Commission. There were also improvements
in internal tools for performance evaluation of employees. The
management, monitoring programs and aspects related to health and
safety at work are highlighted as an opportunity for improvement.
- Supply chain impacts: besides the inclusion of the human rights and
labor practices clauses into new 2012 contracts, no other actions
were taken concerning supplier´s management. It is highlighted as an
improvement opportunity, the mapping of critical suppliers, concerning
social and environmental risks, and also dissemination of ethical conduct
and good social and environmental practices within the supply chain.
- Positive community contribution: investments in social, environmental
and cultural projects in KPMG Brazil has been growing over the last
couple of years, through company's own actions, pro bono activities and
projects supported by government incentives and subsidies coordinated
by the Corporative Citizenship department. It is worth mentioning
that this is a strategic issue for KPMG International and in Brazil, thus
attention should be given to the continuity of the projects, as well as
monitoring the benefits generated by them.
3. Responsiveness – addresses the actions taken by the organization as a
result of specific stakeholders' demands
- 2011 report was sent for stakeholder consultation in the engagement
process and it was disclosed to the staff and KPMG´s leadership.
Partners and Executive Committee ascribe fairly importance to
sustainability reporting and assurance process, which was praised and
recognized by stakeholders.
- There is an internal compilation process of GRI indicators, conducted
by KPMG´s technical area of Climate Change and Sustainable Services.
There was a reformulation and standardization of data collection forms
for the areas involved, based on results of last year's assurance process,
which reinforced the commitment of those involved.
- According to the verification process for the generation of sustainability
performance indicators, internal controls related to local suppliers
(EC6 GRI indicator) should be improved. There is no proper alignmentbetween areas and offices, thus it was not possible to track the origin
of the information in the data consolidation process. Some information
continued to be presented in different formats and without a single
standard, as occurred in the previous reporting cycle.
- between areas and offices, thus it was not possible to track the origin
of the information in the data consolidation process. Some information
continued to be presented in different formats and without a single
standard, as occurred in the previous reporting cycle.
- To improve sustainability management, it is recommended to define
a local governance, led by the Corporate Citizenship area, with
implementation of specific actions and focus on goals and commitments
within the context and scope of activities in the country.
Level of GRI-G3 Application
Following GRI-G3 guidelines, BSD declares that KPMG 2012 Sustainability
Report is classified as Application Level B+. The report comprises items related
to the company's profile and offers a description of the management processes
as well as sustainability approaches. The report provides information on all the
performance indicator categories: economic, environment, human rights, labor
practices, society and product. However, the report on the Strategy and Analysis
(1.1 and 1.2) profile items can be improved.
Final Considerations
We have highlighted KPMG's efforts to improve the sustainability report
by incorporating the assurance process. In our view, KPMG has several
procedures and practices related to material topics (ethics, independence,
quality, transparence and internal staff), and is seeking to consolidate
sustainability management by implementing actions aligned with other
material issues, such as supply chain impacts, environmental aspects
and health and safety at work. It is important to integrate sustainability
practices into administrative and technical areas, also seeking to expand
the engagement of external stakeholders.
São Paulo, March 11th, 2013.
BSD Consulting – Brasil