2014 Headlines

R$ 898

in revenue


invested in
education and


The Sustainable
Firm of the Year

(third consecutive year)
International Accounting
Bulletin (IAB)



training hours


Audit Innovation
of the Year -
Accounting Bulletin


New Tax and Audit solutions


invested in
cultural, social and
environmental projects


Top 10 World’s Most Attractive Employers to Work for


Among the Top 150 Companies for People Management Practices 2014

as ranked by Gestão RH

Among the Top 10 Companies for HR Management

as ranked by Gestão RH

Brazil's Most Admired Companies 2013/2014

Carta Capital, second place among audit firms

Professional Excellence in Financial Reporting Convergence to IFRS

awards won in three categories from the São Paulo State Federation of Accountants in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Publicly Held Companies and the Brazilian Investor Relations Institute

2014 International Finance Awards / Best Corporate Finance Practice Brazil

Acquisition International

Top 100 in Best Corporate Citizenship Practices 2014

Revista Gestão de RH, best in Ethics and Stakeholder Relations

Silver Award – Women’s Empowerment Principles 2014 Brazil

UN Women

Cámara Española - Sustainability Award

Labour Practices