Our professionals' knowledge and expertise in a wide range of sectors makes us uniquely positioned to understand some of the key dilemmas facing us today. Our targeted research, continual updates on regulations and legislation and the multiple communication channels providing our specialists with in-depth analyses on material issues give us extensive insight into the needs of companies, governments and general society.

We believe this knowledge can be channelled not only into the services we offer, but also into the relationships we establish with our stakeholders. Our growth can only be sustainable in the long term if it is synergistically linked to the development of the economy, the market and society, while respecting the limits of our planet.

Our proposition as to how we create value for KPMG and our stakeholders is grounded on our purpose to 'Inspire Confidence. Empower Change' and includes two converging paths that express our vision for sustainability in our segment: 'The path we travel' (doing business responsibly throughout our value chain) and 'The path we help our stakeholders travel' (encouraging responsible business among our stakeholders).


The path we walk

An internal journey towards understanding how we can create value for all our stakeholders, with a focus on sustainability. We work to develop conviction in our leaders and professionals in this regard and encourage responsible conduct both in business and in their personal lives. This is our homework assignment, one we complete each day and for the long term, and which is shaping the way we interact with our stakeholders.

This effort has been steered by five reference groups:

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Purpose, Vision and Values

These have been translated into a set of policies related to human and labour rights, ethics, governance and anti-corruption, and responsible management of natural resources and the impacts of our activities. These principles are fostered throughout our value chain and are outworked in our day-to-day activities – both in the services we provide to our clients and in our relationships with stakeholders.



We have also subscribed voluntarily to a number of international initiatives already consolidated by the UN and the World Economic Forum (read more Social and Relationship Capital) to help us outline policies and initiatives in our journey to sustainability.



Our leading position is supported by the pool of Human and Intellectual Capital we are able to mobilise. We combine professional development, technology, innovation capability and future vision with our global expertise and commitment to excellence to create value across the board.




Sustainability indicators

The path we help our stakeholders walk

The second way in which we are outworking our value proposition is by putting our know-how at the service of clients, voluntary sector organisations, the press and trade associations.

Our practices untangle the complexity, identify opportunities and challenges, and anticipate the potential impact of the changes taking place in our operating environment. With this information, we can help our stakeholders prepare for these changes and develop optimal strategies to address them.

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Improving efficiency as a route to sustainable development


Helping professionalise our clients


Enhancing the direct and indirect results of transactions


Sharing knowledge


Helping restore market confidence


Training professionals for the market


Spearheading positive change


Inpire Confidence.
Empower Change.

As we progress along these pathways, we contribute to the transition to responsible capitalism and creating collective value